Socializing museum activities in Thanh Hóa 01/02/2016
Currently, there are one provincial museum, 8 museums, traditional houses, and traditional rooms at the district level, 17 traditional rooms at the communal level or of different sectors, and one private museum in Thanh Hóa Province.
Museum as one of attractive destinations for visitors and tourists01/02/2016
Museums are place to keep and display collections of objects, antiques, and documents that reflect typical historical and cultural events of localities, ethnic groups, or countries in the world.
Museum activities in educating about tradition and promoting values of the collection of Điện Biên Phủ historical objects31/01/2016
Through a system of documents and typical objects, the exhibitions at the Thanh Hóa Provincial Museum introduces the country’s historical process in a condensed but lively and remarkable way, which helps visitors to understand about the history directly, specifically, and effectively.
Some Types of Artifacts Discovered during the Excavation of Đông Sơn Archaeological Site29/07/2016
The Đông Sơn archaeological site locates on the banks of the Mã River. It was the first vestige of the Đông Sơn Culture to be discovered and studied in 1924. Until now, many archaeological excavations that were carried out have provided valuable scientific information about this site. These archaeological documents reveal the continuity of cultural development during the first millennium BC through the first century AD.
The Image of Women of Thanh Area in the Fight to Protect Hàm Rồng Bridge27/04/2016
This Hàm Rồng victory recognized an enormous contribution of women, which highlighted the heroic tradition of Thanh Hóa women in particular and of Vietnamese women in general
Dog statues in stone sculpture of Việt Nam03/02/2016
Dog, one of the wild animals, was early domesticated by humans. With their intelligent and loyal instinct, dogs have always been valued and become the human’s friend.
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